What a Philosopher Learned at an AI Ethics Evaluation

Our expert James Brusseau (PhD, Philosophy) – Pace University, New York City, USA– wrote an essay documenting the learnings he acquired from working on Z-Inspection® performed on an existing, deployed, and functioning AI medical device. 

What a Philosopher Learned at an AI Ethics Evaluation

By James Brusseau

AI ethics increasingly focuses on converting abstract principles into practical action. This case study documents nine lessons for the conversion learned while performing an ethics evaluation on a deployed AI medical device. The utilized ethical principles were adopted from the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, and the conversion into practical insights and recommendations was accomplished by an independent team composed of philosophers, technical and medical experts.

This essay contributes to the conversion of abstract principles into concrete artificial intelligence applications by documenting learnings acquired from a robust ethics evaluation performed on an existing, deployed, and functioning AI medical device. 

The ethics evaluation formed part of a larger inspection involving technical and legal aspects of the device that was organized by computer scientist Roberto Zicari (2020). This document is limited to the applied ethics, and to his experience as a philosopher.

These are nine lessons I learned about applying ethics to AI in the real world.


Zicari, Roberto (2020). Z-Inspection: A process to assess trustworthy AI.