Philippe Richard
Retired Telecom Executive and Research Director at INRIA, Ph.D Computer Science, France.
Philippe Richard has held various positions within Alcatel-Alsthom, Alcatel, Alcatel-Lucent and Nokia. He has accumulated more than 40 years of experience in Research, R&D, Strategy and Transformation management.
From 2016 to 2021 (early leave), he joined the Nokia COO as a transformation program manager. During this last appointment, he was leading the corporate transformation program in charge of defining and implementing the model of operation of the Nokia Enterprise business group.
Prior to this position, he was vice-president in charge of R&D effectiveness. His organization was tasked to enhance the R&D/Engineering performance and effectiveness across Alcatel-Lucent Business Divisions and to implement and coordinate design for reliability and eco-sustainability. In this position, he managed international and multi-cultural R&D teams spanning almost all continents. He was heavily involved in the reorganization of the corporate central R&D teams of Alcatel and Lucent at the merger of the two companies.
Philippe Richard is a graduate of the University of Paris-Sud at Orsay. He holds a Master degree in Mathematics and a Doctorate es Sciences in Computer Science (1989). Before Joining Alcatel-Lucent, he was a Director of Research at INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique) for ten years until May 1990.