Z-Inspection® teaching certification


A “Z-Inspection® Teaching Certificate” allows you to teach the Z-Inspection® process for non-commercial purposes.

Who qualifies?

i) Experts who were part of the core-team who developed the Z-Inspection® process


ii) Members of the Z-Inspection® Initiative who successfully complete at least one real life use case using the Z-Inspection® process

qualify to be awarded the certificate.


The teaching certificate is awarded after completing three training sessions, namely:


Session 1. EU guidelines for Trustworthy AI.

Watch these two videos:

EU Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI. Part I. https://youtu.be/ACKFKOccipE

EU Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI. Part II. https://youtu.be/H1dvXImYtWY

Copy of the presentations:

Lesson slides: EUFramework.SNU.2023.


– Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI. Independent High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence. European commission, 8 April, 2019. Link to .PDF

Session 2. Z-Inspection®: A process to assess trustworthy AI

Watch this YouTube video

How to Assess Trustworthy AI in Practic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP02B3KsX9E

Lesson slides: 



SNU-Z-Inspection.Claim Arguments and Evidence.2023




Z-Inspection®: A Process to Assess Trustworthy AI. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 2021. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TTS.2021.3066209 DOWNLOAD THE PAPER

How to Assess Trustworthy AI in Practice. arXiv:2206.09887 [cs.CY] [v1] Mon, 20 Jun 2022. https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.09887


Session 3. A 1.5 hour session via Zoom describing the teaching materials available (including time for questions)


List of Certified Z-Inspection® Teaching Experts:

Magnus Westerlund, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland and Z-Inspection® Initiative

Elisabeth Hildt, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA

and Z-Inspection® Initiative

Karsten Tolle, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany and Z-Inspection® Initiative

Dennis Vetter, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany and Z-Inspection® Initiative

Alessio Gallucci, Z-Inspection® Initiative

Emilie Wiinblad Mathez, Z-Inspection® Initiative

Hanna-Maria Sormunen, Z-Inspection® Initiative

Gemma Roig, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany and Z-Inspection® Initiative

Jesmin Jahan Tithi, Z-Inspection® Initiative

Pedro Kringen, Z-Inspection® Initiative

Frédérick Bruneault, École des médias, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada and Z-Inspection® Initiative

Megan Coffee, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York, USA and Z-Inspection® Initiative

Renee Wurth, Z-Inspection® Initiative

Irmhild van Halem, Z-Inspection® Initiative

Boris Düdder, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark and Z-Inspection® Initiative

Sune Holm, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark and Z-Inspection® Initiative

Vince I. Madai, QUEST Centre, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at Charite Berlin, Germany and  Z-Inspection® Initiative

Pedro A. Moreno Sánchez, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University (Finland) and Z-Inspection® Initiative

Heejin Kim, Graduate School of Data Science, Seoul National University (SNU), South Korea

Somaieh Nikpoor, Z-Inspection® Initiative.

Willy Tadema, Rijks ICT Gilde, The Netherlands

Marijke ter Steege, DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs), The Netherlands


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