Impressions of the First World Z-inspection® Conference: Ateneo Veneto, March 10-11, 2023, Venice, Italy.

World Z-inspection® Conference
Ateneo Veneto, March 10-11, 2023, Venice, Italy.
Campo S. Fantin, 1897, 30124 Venezia
Press Release (Ateneo Veneto) :
Friday 10 afternoon and Saturday, March 11, 2023 all day
Location: Ateneo Veneto (,
Reading Room (Convention) + Tommaseo Room for coffee break and lunch
In cooperation with Global Campus of Human Rights ( and Venice Urban Lab (
Supporters: Arcada University of Applied Science, Merck, Roche, Zurich Insurance Company.

Friday (afternoon), March 10, 2023
Moderator: Holger Volland CEO brand eins, Germany)
2:00 pm
– Welcome remarks
Antonella Magaraggia, President Ateneo Veneto,
Sergio Pascolo, President, Venice Urban Lab,
George Ulrich, Academic Director, Global Campus of Human Rights.
2:20pm “Singing tuning with Ahhh.” Alessandro Donati
2:30 pm
– The Z-inspection® initiative
Roberto V. Zicari (Lead Z-inspection® initiative),
3:15 pm
– Presentation of selected Affiliated Trustworthy AI Labs
Magnus Westerlund (The Laboratory for Trustworthy AI at Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki, Finland).
Sune Holm, Boris Düdder ( Trustworthy AI Lab at the University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Gemma Roig, Karsten Tolle (Trustworthy AI Lab at the Goethe University Frankfurt (Frankfurt, Germany)
Pedro Moreno Sanchez (Trustworthy AI for healthcare Lab, Tampere University (Finland)
Roberto Francischello (Trustworthy AI Lab at the Imaging Lab, University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy)
Coffee break (4:30 pm)
5:15 pm
– Panel: “Human Rights and Trustworthy AI”
George Ulrich (Academic Director, Global Campus of Human Rights),
Elisabeth Hildt (Director, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology, and L3S Research Center, Leibniz University Hannover)
Emilie Wiinblad Mathez (Senior Ethics Adviser)
Frédérick Bruneault (adjunct professor, École des médias Unive, Université du Québec,Montréal)
Peter G. Kirchschlaeger (Ethics-Professor, Director of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE, University of Lucerne)
Giovanni Sartor ( Professor in Legal Informatics at the University of Bologna)
Moderator: Holger Volland CEO brand eins, Germany)
Aperitiv (6.30 pm)
Saturday (all day), March 11, 2024
Moderator: Holger Volland CEO brand eins, Germany)
10:00 am
– Welcome remarks
Gianpaolo Scarante, Past President Ateneo Veneto
10:10 “Singing tuning with Ahhh.” Alessandro Donati
10:15 am

– Pilot Project “Responsible use of AI” with Rijks ICT Gilde ( Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relationships) , and the Province of Friesland, The Netherlands
Willy Tadema (AI Ethics Lead, Rijks ICT Gilde, The Netherlands),
Marijke Steege, Marijke (Senior Consultant Strategy Innovation and Data, Rijks ICT Gilde, The Netherlands),
Gerard Kema (Innovator Manager, Province of Friesland, The Netherlands),
Coffee break (11 a.m.)
– Trustworthy AI in Practice: Best practices

Alberto Signoroni, (University of Brescia, Italy),
Mattia Savardi, (University of Brescia, Italy),
Davide Farina (University of Brescia, Italy),
Hanna Sormunen (Finnish Tax Administration),
Vince Madai (QUEST, Berlin)
Lunch (1:00 p.m.)
– Panel: “How do we trust AI? “
Jean Enno Charton (Director Bioethics & Digital Ethics, Merck),
Bryn Roberts (Global Head of Data &Analytics, Roche),
Sarah Gadd (Head of Data & Artificial Intelligence Solutions, Credit Suisse),
Lisa Bechtold, (Global Lead AI Assurance & Data Governance · Zurich Insurance Company)
Moderator: Holger Volland (CEO brand eins, Germany)
Coffee break (4 p.m.)
4:45 pm
– Trustworthy AI in Practice: Best practices
Ulrich Kühne (Hautmedizin Bad Soden, Germany)
Adriano Lucieri (DFKI, Germany)
James Brusseau (Pace University, USA)
Adarsh Srivastava (Roche, India)
Concluding Remarks
Roberto V. Zicari (Lead Z-inspection® initiative),
Sergio Pascolo (President, Venice Urban Lab)
Aperitif (6 p.m.)