Francesca Lizzi

National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Pisa Division, Italy

I am a staff researcher in technology at the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN). I studied physics and specialized in Medical Physics at University of Pisa.

I obtained my PhD cum laude in Data Science at Scuola Normale Superiore with a thesis entitled “Development and discussion of deep learning algorithms for breast density classification and for COVID-19 lesions quantification on CT scans: towards a real-time multidisciplinary approach” and I was awarded with the “Francesco Resmini” Award given by the INFN for the best PhD thesis in accelerator physics and new technologies.

My research activity is mainly focused on medical imaging and its analysis through Machine Learning and Deep Learning, AI applied to dosimetry and radiotherapy, and ethics and epistemology related to AI applied to medicine. With my research group, we collaborate with many hospitals and health structures, physicians, radiologists and medical physicists.