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Z-inspection®: A process to assess trustworthy AI in Practice has won a ISSIP Distinguished Recognition Award for Service Innovation!

The results of the ISSIP Excellence In Service Innovation Awards are in, and it is our great pleasure to inform you that Z-Inspection: A process to assess trustworthy AI in Practice has won a Distinguished Recognition Award for Service Innovation.  The Distinguished Recognition Award is given each year to submissions that, in the judgment of the […]

Z-Inspection® process module is incorporated into a new Interdisciplinary Master’s Program on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare to equip a new generation of interdisciplinary students in assessment of Trustworthy AI.

Pavia, April 9, 2022 Z-Inspection® process module is incorporated into a new Interdisciplinary Master’s Program on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, to equip a new generation of interdisciplinary students in assessment of Trustworthy AI. With the Z-Inspection® process students will learn how to assess trustworthiness of AI systems for healthcare using socio-technical scenarios. The new Master program is offered by […]

Professor Roberto V. Zicari gave a Guest Lecture at the Seoul National University Law School.

Professor Roberto V. Zicari was invited to give a guest lecture by Professor Heo, Seongwook, Professor of Law at the Seoul National University Law School. Professor Zicari introduced to his law students: i) the EU Framework for Trustworthy AI,  ii) our research work on assessing Trustworthy AI, and  ii) the EU AI Act. The English presentation […]

The Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, USA) launches The Ethical and Trustworthy AI Lab based on the Z-Inspection® Process.

Chicago, March 15, 2022 The Ethical and Trustworthy AI Lab at Illinois Institute of Technology’s Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions is an interdisciplinary group of researchers interested in the social and ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The group investigates philosophical, ethical, and social aspects of AI including trustworthiness and the question of […]

Vision 2022

1. Trustworthy AI Labs are established, based on the Z-Inspection® process Like this one in Helsinki; 2. Z-Inspection® process modules are incorporated into Master and PhD programs at selected universities, to equip a new generation of interdisciplinary students in assessment of ethical AI; 3. The Z-Inspection® process is leveraged in future European policy and regulation relating to […]

Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki, Finland) launches The Laboratory for Trustworthy AI based on the Z-Inspection® Process.

Helsinki, November 12, 2021 The Laboratory for Trustworthy AI at Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki, Finland) is a transdisciplinary and international research community who trains organizations and actors to assess the use of artificial intelligence. The lab connects academia and civil society, including developers of AI solutions, students, end-users, researchers, and stakeholders. The Lab promotes a human-centric approach […]

Lessons Learned: Co-design of Trustworthy AI. Best Practice. By Helga Brogger, President of the Norwegian Society of Radiology

Mission: “…Aid the development of designs with reduced end-user vulnerability…“ -“…Socio-technical scenarios can be used to broaden stakeholders’ understanding of one’s own role in the technology, as well as awareness of stakeholders’ interdependence…” – “…Recurrent, open-minded, and interdisciplinary discussions involving different perspectives of the broad problem definition….” – “…The early involvement of an interdisciplinary panel […]

Our paper ” Co-design of a Trustworthy AI System in Healthcare: Deep Learning based Skin Lesion Classifier.” has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Human Dynamics

Co-design of a Trustworthy AI System in Healthcare: Deep Learning based Skin Lesion Classifier. Roberto V. Zicari (1)(2)(3), Sheraz Ahmed (4), Julia Amann (5), Stephan Alexander Braun (6)(7), John Brodersen (8)(9), Frédérick Bruneault (10), James Brusseau (11), Erik Campano (12), Megan Coffee (13), Andreas Dengel (4)(14), Boris Düdder (15), Alessio Gallucci (16), Thomas Krendl Gilbert (17), Philippe Gottfrois (18), Emmanuel Goffi (19), Christoffer Bjerre Haase (20), Thilo Hagendorff (21), Eleanore Hickman (22), Elisabeth […]

What did we learn in assessing Trustworthy AI in practice?

If you are interested and have time you can watch this video. It will give you an overview of our research work in the last 2.5 years, in assessing trustworthy AI in healthcare in practice: What did we learn in assessing Trustworthy AI in practice? Roberto V. Zicari, Z-Inspection® Initiative AI Ethics online–Chalmers, April 20, […]